SDS (Same Day Services) - Same Day Delivery
Rest assured, TIKI's Same Day Service (SDS) is the ultimate solution for swift and reliable same-day delivery, tailored to meet the needs of our valued customers who require fast and efficient service.
ONS (Overnight Service) - Delivery Today, Arriving Tomorrow
Our Overnight Service (ONS) is the perfect solution for those who need their items delivered quickly and safely. Our reliable service ensures that your packages will arrive at their intended destination by the following day, allowing you to meet your business or personal needs in a timely and efficient manner. With our ONS, you can trust that your items will be delivered securely and without any unnecessary delays or complications. Experience peace of mind knowing that your items are in good hands with us.
REG (Regular Service) - Delivery in Approximately 3 Days
Enjoy peace of mind with TIKI's Regular Service (REG), a reliable solution for the timely delivery of non-urgent packages within three working days.
ECO (Economy Service) – Cost-Effective Shipping for Customers
We offer affordable and reliable shipping solutions with our Economy Service delivery option. TIKI's ECO products provide competitive rates without sacrificing quality, and we aim to add value to every delivery we make.
TRC (Trucking Service) - Minimum Weight of 10 Kg
TIKI's Trucking Service (TRC) is designed to handle heavy shipments that require special handling, with a minimum weight requirement of 10 Kg.
INT (International Service) - Affordable Shipping Abroad
For those seeking cost-effective options for shipping items or packages overseas, TIKI International Service (INT) offers an optimal solution. Our specialized service is tailored to attend to your international shipping requirements in a timely and cost-competitive manner.